There are many employee laws in place that protect you and your hard-earned money. The Department of Labor (DOL) is in charge of establishing employment laws and enforcing them across the country. Missing wages, salaries or compensation are all violations of these laws; and employers who are found to have committed wage violations will need to pay out this cash.
Think you might have back pay in your name? Are you missing overtime compensation? Learn more about your rights and all the employee laws that can help you claim your owed money.
If you need to claim missing wages from your job, you are not on your own. The Department of Labor (DOL) oversees all employers and is the governing body when wage violations happen. If your employer hasn’t paid you – at all or enough – you are within your right to file a complaint.
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a law that applies to all American employees. It was established to combat labor violations and underpayment. Under the FLSA, all employees are entitled to earn a minimum wage, which changes every few years to reflect cost of living changes.
The FLSA also established an overtime wage, which means you are entitled to more money when you work more than 40 hours per week. At a minimum, you must earn time-and-a-half for any hour over the 40-hour mark.
Did you not receive payment equal to these amounts for work that you did? If so, you can file a claim for these missing wages to get the money you’re owed.
Other important laws, like the Workers Compensation Act, protect employees who were injured on the job or developed a job-related disease. If you meet the criteria for this disability compensation program, you can receive:
- Disability compensation
- Medical treatment
- Vocational rehabilitation
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