It sounds shocking, but state governments hang on to millions of dollars in unclaimed life insurance money each year. You can easily search for unclaimed money in your name to receive the funds you are owed. Each state has a record of unclaimed assets, including life insurance money, belonging to residents.
By doing a free unclaimed life insurance search, you can find life insurance policies and other unclaimed property in your name that may be held by state departments. Learn how to find your money below.
Want to find unclaimed life insurance money in your name? It’s easy. All you need to do is follow these 3 steps:
- Look for insurance documents.
- Search the unclaimed property website in your state.
- Contact your state’s insurance department.
If you believe unclaimed annuities are out there, the first step to finding them is to locate any insurance documents that can help provide information. Look through storage boxes, filing cabinets or other areas where the insured individual used to keep important paperwork.
If the insured had a safe deposit box that you can access, it may contain important documents. You’ll want to look for anything related to a life insurance application, confirmation of a policy or even a receipt for payment.
You may not have access to any insurance documents, but that’s okay. Unclaimed life insurance policies are turned over to the state if a beneficiary cannot be located. So, search your state’s unclaimed property website. Be sure to check every state that the insured lived in, since the funds are given to the state that the insured was last known to have lived.
Another way to find unclaimed life insurance money is to do a search through the state’s insurance department. Some states have free search services that let you search for policies. If your name comes up on a life insurance company list, you may be contacted for verification.
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