A free unclaimed life insurance search will only help you find missing insurance policies, not help you get the money. Once you locate a policy under which you’re a beneficiary, you’ll need to go through the process of claiming the funds. In order to receive unclaimed life insurance money, you need to prove to the department holding it for you that you’re the rightful owner. 

States will continue to hold your money until you come forward. So, why wait? Learn how you can claim any unclaimed life insurance policy that you are named on and access your money below. 

You’re Just 4 Steps Away From Claiming Unclaimed Life Insurance Money – Step 3 Is CRUCIAL
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Searching the unclaimed life insurance database is a great start. Then, once you find a policy in your name, your next step would be to request it. 

To help protect life insurance policies from getting transferred to the wrong person, states make sure to verify the identity of anyone claiming to be a beneficiary. As such, you won’t get your unclaimed life insurance money until the state or other department can verify it belongs to you. 

Claiming your money is usually pretty straightforward, but the steps and documents you need to submit may differ depending on where the money currently is (i.e. still with the insurance company or transferred over to the state). 

In any case, the process of claiming unclaimed annuities and insurance money typically involves the following steps:

Step 1. Verify your identity – You can use a driver’s license, state-issued ID or an original birth


Step 2. Provide documents – These documents should show a direct connection between you and the life insurance policy.  

Step 3. Fill out a claim form – Many states have a specific claim form you need to complete, if the policy money is being held by the state.

Step 4. Receive your money – Depending on where your money is, you may receive a check in the amount owed to you or have the funds directly deposited into your bank account.

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By Admin