Rent credit cards are a great way to earn rewards for a payment you would need to make anyway. If paid off right away, paying the rent with your card can also boost your credit score. To reap the benefits of paying for your rent with a credit card, you’ll want to look at cashback rewards, travel rewards, and cards that offer significant signup bonuses when you reach a certain spending threshold.
With so many different types of cards to choose from, it’s worth taking a look at some of the most popular options. For your convenience, you can learn about the best types of rent credit cards by reading the sections below.
If you want to pay rent with a credit card, you have a lot of options when it comes to the type of card that you use.
Cashback rewards cards are commonly used to pay rent. Cashback cards provide you with cashback either applied to your card or provided to you through gift cards or direct deposit for making purchases. Cashback offers are generally between 1 and 6 percent of a qualifying purchase. However, most cards limit the type of purchases that qualify for cashback. For a rent credit card, you’ll want to find a cashback rewards card that has a high percentage for general purchases. Consider these options:
- Citi Double Cash Card
- Discover It Cash Back
- Chase Freedom Unlimited
Travel rewards cards are great to use as rent credit cards if you frequently travel. Travel cards reward purchases that you make with frequent flyer miles, Uber credits and other travel-related perks. Similar to cashback rewards cards, travel cards generally have specified purchases that qualify for rewards. It’s essential to find a card that provides travel rewards for general purchases. If choosing a frequent flyer mile card, be sure to select one that can be used with your preferred airline. Consider these options:
- Chase Sapphire Preferred Card
- Capital One Venture Rewards Card
- American Express Platinum Card
Credit cards with big signup bonuses are available from various companies. These cards generally require a minimum amount of purchases within a set period to gain additional perks, such as extra cash back or frequent flyer miles. If you intend to pay rent with a credit card, these cards are great because you can usually hit the set threshold in a timely manner. Consider these options:
- Chase Sapphire Reserve Card
- Citi Premier Card
- United Explorer Card
When looking for a rent credit card, you should always select one that includes a lower APR. The lower the APR, the less you will pay if you carry a balance from one month to the next. It’s also better to avoid any cards that come with transaction fees. If a card has other fees, such as an annual fee, it’s important to weigh the benefits against the amount of the fees. If you want to pay rent with a credit card, no fee involved, avoid cards that include annual fees and other related expenses.
When paying rent using a credit card, it’s also worth considering selecting a card that has a suitable credit limit. If you carry a balance from one month to the next, having a high credit utilization could potentially harm your credit.
Finally, be sure to choose a credit card that is compatible with the third-party service that you intend to use. Each of these services can only be used with credit cards that are accepted by that platform.
By Admin –