Are you interested in paying rent using a credit card? We don’t blame you. Credit card payments are convenient and straightforward and don’t require you to have checks or cash on hand. With the right rent credit card, you can also gain rewards for your payment to help you save money each month.
Not every landlord provides their own options for credit card payments. However, several third-party services can be used to make a credit card payment online. Some of these services send payments directly to landlords, while others might provide you with a paper check that you can give to your landlord.
Some landlords provide convenient online payment options that do accept credit card payments. However, some of these services come at the cost of a transaction fee. That fee may be a percentage of the entire payment or a flat one-time fee per usage. You can also utilize a third-party service to pay rent with a credit card if your landlord does not offer this service, or if they charge too much.
If you’d like to pay rent online with a credit card, here’s a look at some of the best third-party services that will allow you to do so.
Radpad accepts various credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express and Apple Pay. One big benefit of Radpad is that it guarantees that your payment will be submitted on time. When using Radpad to pay rent, your payment is sent by check. There is a fee of 2.99 percent of the payment amount to use Radpad services, but this may be worth it to some renters.
Plastiq offers direct deposit, check and wire transfer payments, and it accepts major credit card providers like Mastercard, Visa, American Express, JCB and Discover. Not only do they provide on-time delivery guarantees, but they offer occasional discounts to their subscribers. Plastiq offers one of the lowest fees at just 2.5 percent of your payment amount.
Clickpay is another option for paying your rent online using a credit card. The Clickpay credit card fee is 2.95 percent of the payment amount, with a minimum fee of $3.00. Clickpay accepts most major credit cards and offers customers autopay options for an added convenience.
Venmo accepts rent credit cards too! The company accepts Visa, American Express, Discover and Mastercard with a 3 percent service fee. Venmo is simple to set up and can also be paired with your bank account.
Place, one last option, offers a 2.99 percent service fee and can be used with American Express, Discover, Visa and Mastercard. Formerly known as RentShare, Place offers consumers unique perks, including the ability to split rent with a roommate and to receive notifications when your roommate has not paid their share of the rent.
By Admin –