There are numerous high-quality personal loan companies available in today’s market. Your current bank or credit union is likely one of those companies. Other high quality services referring you to, or directly providing personal loan services, include the lenders discussed below.

The Lending Tree: The Lending Tree does not make loans itself. Instead, it matches borrowers with lenders that meet their needs. It is free to use LT and applying does not affect your credit score. 

Personal Loan Companies Available Today
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Best Egg: If you have a credit score of at least 640 your chances of obtaining a loan with this company are good. Best Egg loans are best for debt consolidation and quick cash. 

Credible: Credible is similar to Lending Tree in that it is a marketplace that matches borrowers with lenders based on criteria you provide. This is a student loan refinancing group so if you do not have student loan debt this is not the loan company for you. 

AmONE: This is another marketplace that matches consumers with lenders.

The key difference is that once you complete the forms a live person meets with you to talk through your options. No collateral is needed, there is no cost to use the service and there is a fast approval process. 

LightStream: If you have decent credit (660 or better) then this is a great company to get a loan from. They are one of the most popular lenders because of their low apr rates and zero fees. 

SoFi: If your credit score is excellent (680 or higher) then SoFi is a great option because they offer low rates, flexible payment schedules and no fees.

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By Admin